What We Believe As Christians and Episcopalians
- At St. Thomas Episcopal Church, we are Christians who are alive in the love of God, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit, striving to seek and serve Christ in all persons and loving our neighbor as ourselves. We are people of joy, hope and renewal in the Lord.
- Our actions and beliefs are guided by Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. Through prayer we seek guidance and clarity from God for the ordering of our common life together.
- Unified by the Lord and the Anglican tradition of The Episcopal Church, we support our member parishes and communities of faith. Through pastoral ministries, we bear with each other our burdens, celebrate God's work in the Diocese, forgiving as we have been forgiven, and loving as Christ loves us. Read about the Core Beliefs of The Episcopal Church.
- We are genuine, loving, caring and compassionate to others. Together, in Christ’s name, we reach out to the victims of hunger, fear, injustice, and oppression, the sick, the friendless, and the destitute, and those who suffer in body, mind, or spirit.
- We support each other, lay and ordained, with faithfulness in both word and deed. Grounded in prayer, we are present to one another, reaching out with authentic love and concern, and giving our gifts, talents and resources for the advancement of God's kingdom in our region of South Carolina.
- By the power of the Holy Spirit we seek to bring as many people as possible to know, love, and serve God as revealed through Jesus Christ; and to be transformed into spiritually renewed disciples of Jesus who know, love and serve one another and the world. View the Vision Statement for St. Thomas Episcopal Church.